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LTB Pro 2

by ATTORNEX in , , , on June 2, 2023

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When you need to prepare documents for the Landlord and Tenant Board ATTORNEX templated documents is a great starting point. Templates range from pleadings to memorandum and hearing examination questions.

Each case is unique but these templates take advantage of standard similarities, giving Landlord-Tenant Practitioners more time for intellectual legal processes. It’s a great tool for any Landlord-Tenant Practitioners collection.

1. Schedule A Template for T6 – Tenant Application about Maintenance

   – Schedule A Template for Breach of Maintenance Obligations:

     – Infestation

     – Rental unit was unfit for habitation

     – Property damage due to infestation

   – Covers rent abatement and remedies

2. Schedule A Template for Breach of Maintenance Obligations – Maintenance

   – The landlords neglected and refused to properly maintain the rental premises

   – Misrepresented the condition of the rental premises

   – Unfinished buildings or structures

   – Maintaining a residential complex in a good state of repair and fit for habitation

   – Complying with health, safety, housing, and maintenance standards

   – Covers rent abatement and remedies

3. Schedule A Template for Breach of Maintenance Obligations – Flood Damage

4. Schedule A Template for T2 Application – Tenant’s Rights

   – Issues covered:

     – Illegal entry

     – Changing locks

     – Substantial interference with reasonable enjoyment

5. Schedule A Template for Landlord-Tenant Application for Tenant Substantial Interference with Reasonable Enjoyment

6. N7 Notice to End Your Tenancy

   – Reasons for notice:

     – Reason 1: The tenant’s or someone’s behavior impaired the safety of another person in the residential complex.

     – Reason 2: Willful damage to the rental unit or residential complex.

     – Reason 4: Substantial interference with the landlord’s reasonable enjoyment of the residential complex or lawful rights, privileges, or interests.

7. Schedule A Template for Landlord Application for Occupant (Not Tenant)

8. 200+ Examination Questions for Landlord

9. 200+ Examination Questions for Tenant

10. Case Management Hearing Template for Landlord

– issues

– disagreements

– resolution

11. Case Management Hearing Template for Tenant

– issues

– disagreements

– resolution

12. Submissions for Landlord-Tenant Substantial Interference with Reasonable Enjoyment and Property Damage

  – Covers termination, rent abatement and remedies

13. Submissions for Review of Order – N12

14. Review of Order or N12 Bad Faith Submissions


  • Chronological sequence  clear writing style – no ‘legalese’ or formalisms
  • Templated Documents – Persuasive arguments & damages with legal requirements & consequences of fact.
  • Annotations to help you move forward – Reduce the need for outside counsel & second opinions
  • Compliance: Requirements including; rules for pleading in the Rules of Landlord and Tenant Board -Ontario
  • MS Word templates are fillable, customizable, downloadable, and safe

A Must-Have for;

  • Landlord-Tenant Practitioners drafting case documents in any jurisdiction
  • Document-drafting Clerks
  • Self-represented litigants who need document-drafting assistance
  • Educational Institutions

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